PRP Treatment

The secret to young-looking skin

PRP Facial -

Anti-Age Treatment That Use Natural Healing Power

PRP treatment is also known as Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy. It is an advanced skincare method that involves isolating and concentrating plasma from your blood and then injecting it into your skin to return the vitality of youth to your skin cells .

Plasma is a component of blood that contains life-giving properties that play an important role in creating antibodies and keeping you healthy. It also contains proteins that support cell growth. As a result, PRP treatment promotes the emergence of new and healthy cells which supports healing in the skin.

PRP is proven to reduce wrinkles and diminish the signs of acne scars. It also plumps up sagging skin and brightens dull skin to give your face a fresh, younger and radiant look. PRP facial treatment is also proven to reduce the size of open pores which adds volume to your cheek and rejuvenates the under-eye area.

PRP facial treatment is recommended for people who want to age slowly and refresh their faces while avoiding aggressive treatments. It can be sadly combined with other anti-age procedures.

“We are passionate about delivering high-quality beauty treatment that promotes confidence and makes you feel good - because you look great!”

PRP Facial in Ashford Kent

A Pain-Free Way To Slow The Ageing Process

PRP facials involve taking blood from your own body using the same medically-proven methods as a blood test. The blood extract is placed into a machine that separates the platelets from the rest of your blood and re-injected into you.

Your skin will continue to produce collagen and remodel itself over a period of 4 to 6 weeks. Flaws on your skin will disappear and correct themselves gradually, especially if you follow our aftercare advice carefully.

Celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Keira Maguire, and Bar Refaeli are obsessed with PRP and do not shy away from sharing their glowing results. This revolutionary treatment is unique since it promotes quick healing and works wonders with the skin Whether you’re 20 or 50, don’t be afraid to try a PRP facial – your skin will be eternally grateful!

Trust and Authority

Trusted Skin Care Treatment in Ashford, Kent?

PRP Facials do not require surgery but should be performed by a trained professional with experience in administering non-surgical solutions. Elizabeth is a qualified nurse with 22 years of experience in a clinical setting and received her training as an aesthetic practitioner from London’s prestigious Harley Street.

The treatment takes less than an hour.

Not really. The treatment is pretty much pain-free, but to make sure you do not feel any degree of discomfort, we apply a local anaesthetic cream to numb your face.

We recommend taking at least a 12-hour rest before getting back to your regular activities. After that, you should be able to work or exercise normally. However, if you do feel dizzy or experience any light-headedness, stop what you are doing immediately and sit or lie down.

No, but you should expect to see redness and slight bruising for around the first 24 hours.

For the best results, we recommend three PRP facial treatments per year.

Six to twelve months.

Yes, PRP is medically proven to be safe. Since your own platelets are being used, there is no risk of allergies or infections.

Vampire facials are not as expensive as they used to be. Because these treatments are favourites of high-profile celebrities there is a misconception that they are expensive. The good news is that almost anybody can enjoy this treatment like a celebrity.